A lot of students use it to watch lectures between 1X and 2X speeds.
If you're shrugging this off, maybe don't... i mean we all could use an extra 30 minutes per hour to study, can't we? Slowly increase the speed until you acclimate to the faster speeds. You'll have much more extra study time.
This ONLY works on Internet Explorer (ON PC) and NOT on Mac (unless you install windows).
Important Points:
- If you have a PC, do NOT upgrade to Internet Explorer 10. It doesn't Work. Older versions are fine.
- If you have a MAC, you can find someone tech savvy person to install a copy of Windows on your machine where you can use Internet Explorer, pretty much solely for the purpose to Sonic Foundry lectures at double speed. It's Worth it.
- FOR GSP Students in ENGLAND: You CAN use your Grenadian counterpart's login information to access the grenada lectures/slides.
- For all students: You can access your peer's Lectures from PREVIOUS TERMS using their login info! If you're so inclined.
- IF You find that the buttons to increase the speed are there, but aren't working, you may be full of cookies. Yes, I said it. haha. No seriously though, go into the browser settings, and clear the cache of stored information. I don't have the instructions for you here, but that's usually the problem. Clearing the cookies/stored temp files/etc will free up space for good old Sonic.
We love you sonic, but you are a luxury. Btw, it goes down. A LOT. And, usually the days before exams, so a good rule is to Never rely on it, or it will eventually let you down.
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