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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Attention: If you write Applications! There is a market for Med Students!

I just thought of a small niche for those of you who write applications for Apple or Andriod and want to make a few bucks.

There currently is a need for an update to Kaplan's Questionbank application, one with more features and ipad friendly.
Also, USMLERx Questionbank and USMLE World Question Banks do not even have associated applications yet.

What these are, are paid subscriptions to a bank of Multiple Choice test-like questions, including timing, feedback, and user-customized tests. It is really helpful for these banks to be available on the go, on our ipads as they become more and more popular with medical students.

If anyone out there wants to take on these projects, I can almost guaruntee that these companies would be willing to give you a decent price for a well designed app. PLUS, us medical students would greatly appreciate it. :) please, thank you, and youre welcome.

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